What is your Dosha?

Ayurveda is practiced with the understanding that while everything in nature is composed of the elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether, each individual is born with a unique constitution, or combination of those elements. This combination of elements, known as a Dosha, or system of elemental algorithms that provide the individual with insight when imbalances occur.

There are the three Dosha’s in Ayurveda: 

Vata= Air + Ether ( or space) 

Pitta= Fire + Water 

Kapha= Earth + Water.

Your unique Dosha consists of the mental, behavioral, emotional, and physical attributes that you identify with at the core. When you understand how to work with your innate elements + Dosha’s, you better understand how to adjust them during times of change like childbirth, seasonal shifts, aging, illness, and changes in your physical environment-- to maintain optimal balance+ well-being. ♡ Mary

Dosha Quiz

In the below fields please mark one or as many as two descriptions along each row, choose ones that best describe you and how you have been most of your life. You want to identify those characteristics that you were born with. This will help in identifying your innate elemental makeup. When you are done hit submit and I will send you your results!